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The Power of Social Media Video Marketing: 10 Food Brands Excel on Social Media

Michael Arking

June 14, 2023

10 min read

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, social media has become a crucial platform for brands to connect with their audience. Among the various strategies employed, social media video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for food brands to capture the attention of their target audience, boost engagement, and drive conversions.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing refers to the use of videos as a strategic marketing tool to promote products, services, or brands. It involves creating and sharing videos across various online platforms, including social media, websites, and video-sharing platforms like YouTube. These videos are carefully crafted to engage, educate, entertain, and persuade the target audience.

To explore how video marketing can benefit your business, check out our blog post on the 16 Benefits of Video Marketing.

Why is Social Media Video Marketing So Powerful?

Social media video marketing has revolutionized the way brands communicate with their audience on social media. Here's why it's such a dominant force:

1. Visual Appeal and Engagement

Social media marketing videos leverage dynamic visuals, captivating colors, and engaging motion to capture viewers' attention. Videos have the power to convey a brand's message in a more compelling and memorable manner than static content.

2. Emotional Connection and Storytelling

Through the medium of video, food brands can forge deep emotional connections with their audience. Storytelling in social media with video content allows brands to share narratives that resonate with viewers' emotions and values, ultimately strengthening brand loyalty.

3. Higher Engagement and Reach

Marketing videos for social media generate higher levels of engagement, including likes, comments, and shares, compared to other forms of content. The shareability factor of videos enables brands to extend their reach organically as viewers spread their content across social networks.

Why Do Brands Need Video Content?

Video content has become an essential component of any brand's marketing strategy. Here are some key reasons why brands need video content:

1. Increased Engagement and Attention

Videos have the ability to capture and hold the attention of viewers more effectively than other forms of content. By incorporating video into their marketing efforts, brands can engage their audience on a deeper level, resulting in increased brand awareness, customer retention, and conversion rates.

2. Improved Brand Recall and Recognition

Video content helps create a lasting impression on viewers. Through visuals, sound, and storytelling, brands can leave a memorable imprint in the minds of their audience. This leads to better brand recall and recognition, which are crucial for building a strong brand identity.

3. Enhanced Storytelling Opportunities

Video provides a rich storytelling medium that allows brands to convey their message in a more immersive and impactful way. Brands can showcase their values, mission, and unique selling propositions through compelling narratives, thereby resonating with their target audience on an emotional level.

4. Better Explanation of Products or Services

Complex concepts or product features can be difficult to explain through text or images alone. Video content offers the opportunity to demonstrate the functionality and benefits of products or services in a clear and concise manner. This helps potential customers understand and appreciate the value offered by the brand.

5. Increased Social Media Reach and Shareability

Social media platforms prioritize video content, making it more likely to appear in users' feeds. Brands that incorporate videos into their social media marketing efforts have a higher chance of reaching a larger audience and gaining more visibility. Additionally, videos are highly shareable, allowing viewers to spread the brand's message organically through likes, comments, and shares.

6. Better Search Engine Visibility

Videos can significantly impact a brand's search engine visibility. Search engines, such as Google, often prioritize video content in search results. By optimizing videos with relevant keywords and descriptions, brands can improve their chances of ranking higher and attracting organic traffic to their website or social media channels.


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Why are Video Ads More Effective?

Video ads have proven to be more effective in capturing and retaining audience attention compared to other forms of advertising. Here are some key reasons why video ads are so impactful:

1. Immersive and Engaging Experience

Video ads provide a more immersive and engaging experience for viewers. They combine visuals, sound, and motion to create a dynamic and captivating narrative. This immersive experience holds viewers' attention for a longer duration, increasing the chances of delivering the brand's message effectively.

2. Enhanced Storytelling Opportunities

Video ads offer brands the opportunity to tell a story in a concise and compelling manner. Through visual and audio elements, brands can evoke emotions, showcase product features, and communicate the brand's values, ultimately influencing viewers' perception and purchase decisions.

3. Improved Information Retention

Studies have shown that people retain information better when it is presented in video format. The combination of visuals and audio helps viewers remember key messages, product details, and brand attributes more effectively than text-based or image-based ads.

4. Increased Brand Awareness and Recall

Video ads have a higher potential to create brand awareness and recall due to their engaging nature. The combination of sight and sound helps to create a memorable impression in viewers' minds, making them more likely to remember the brand and its message when making purchasing decisions.

5. Targeted and Measurable Impact

Video ads allow brands to target specific demographics, interests, or behaviors of their audience. Platforms like social media and Youtube provide robust targeting options, ensuring that the ad reaches the right audience. Additionally, the effectiveness of video ads can be measured through metrics such as views, engagement, and conversions, allowing brands to optimize their campaigns for better results.

6. Mobile-Friendly and Shareable

Video ads are well-suited for mobile devices, which have become the primary means of accessing social media platforms. Brands can reach users on-the-go, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions. Furthermore, the shareability of video content allows viewers to spread the ad organically, expanding its reach and amplifying the brand's message.

Incorporating video ads into their marketing strategy empowers brands to create a more impactful and memorable advertising experience for their audience. By leveraging the visual and emotional power of videos, brands can drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals.

What Advertising Strategies Do Food Companies Use?

Food companies use various advertising strategies to promote their products and connect with their target audience. Here are some commonly used strategies:

1. Influencer Partnerships

Collaborating with influencers who have a significant following on social media allows food companies to tap into their influence and reach a wider audience. These influencers create engaging social media video content featuring the food brand's products, thereby increasing brand visibility and credibility.

2. User-Generated Content Campaigns

Encouraging customers to create their social media videos featuring the brand's products can be a powerful marketing strategy. User-generated content showcases authentic experiences and helps in building trust among the audience.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Sharing behind-the-scenes videos of food production processes, recipe creation, or the brand's values and mission provides a transparent and personal touch. Such videos humanize the brand and establish a stronger connection with the audience.

4. Product Demonstrations and Tutorials

Creating videos that demonstrate the usage of food products or provide tutorials on cooking techniques not only educates the audience but also showcases the brand's expertise. This strategy helps build credibility and positions the brand as a go-to resource.

5. Contests and Giveaways

Running social media video contests or giveaways can generate buzz and engagement. Food companies often ask their audience to create and share videos related to the brand or its products, thereby increasing brand awareness and fostering user engagement.

6. Seasonal and Holiday Campaigns

Aligning video marketing campaigns with seasonal events, holidays, or food-related observances can help food brands connect with their audience on a more emotional level. These campaigns can incorporate festive themes and highlight special offers or limited-edition products.

7. Cross-Platform Promotion

Promoting social media videos on multiple platforms, including websites, blogs, and other social media channels, maximizes their reach and impact. Sharing video content across different platforms allows food companies to engage with a wider audience and increase brand exposure.

Incorporating these advertising strategies into social media video marketing efforts can significantly enhance a food company's brand presence, audience engagement, and overall marketing success.

10 Food Brands Killing It On Social Media With Video Content

Here are the top 10 food brands that have harnessed the power of social media video marketing to create a lasting impact:

1. Arby's

Arby's used to have a poor reputation that didn't match the quality of its food because it was different in the fast food space. But they changed that by creating content that feels unique and authentic, appealing to young Gen Z consumers.

They regularly reference video games, wrestling, and comic book films. Their videos pivot in a slightly different direction, with a Pinterest-style DIY vibe presenting absurdist costumes and crafts inspired by their food offerings.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

2. Burger King

Burger King consistently adapts its social media approach, shifting between different tones. Why? It's because their main objective is to stay attuned to the current trends and discussions online and generate content that directly addresses them.

They initiate unconventional and attention-grabbing campaigns to increase awareness about mental illness. Additionally, they produced a humorous video prank sketch advocating for net neutrality. Unlike most brands, they are willing to express opinions on specific subjects, which has generated significant attention and engagement on social media.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

3. Dunkin' Donuts

Video marketing has always aimed to entertain or evoke emotions in viewers, even before the internet became popular. With the rise of social media, companies now have the opportunity to create longer promotional content that wasn't possible in the past. Dunkin' Donuts is seizing this opportunity.

Through their Facebook Live Test Kitchen streams, Dunkin' Donuts can attract a large number of viewers by hosting interactive live shows filled with fun buzz-worthy moments. This approach adds a personal touch to the brand by showcasing friendly faces to viewers who may not be solely interested in the brand itself.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

4. McDonald's

McDonald's utilizes the power of video marketing on social media to effectively promote their brand. Their well-known "I'm Lovin' It" campaign primarily targets young adults, presenting a delightful and straightforward humor that stands out from the unusual campaigns aimed at slightly younger audiences.

In their social media strategy, they adopt a more polished approach by featuring their food directly in concise videos. This serves as a valuable addition to their playful commercials, setting them apart from the exaggerated actions of competing brands. By leveraging social media video content, McDonald's successfully engages with their audience and maintains a distinct presence in the market.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

5. Kraft

Kraft Foods has embraced the power of social media video marketing to elevate its traditional recipes. With years of experience catering to families with accessible recipes, Kraft has transformed its marketing approach into a valuable source of content on various social media platforms.

While their recipes have been featured in books and magazines, social media has provided Kraft with an opportunity to create compelling step-by-step video supplements. While self-aware marketing is trendy on social media, the effectiveness of tried-and-true content creation like this cannot be underestimated when it comes to attracting attention to your brand.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

6. Chobani

Chobani has a similar approach to Kraft, with a twist: their social media presence is packed with recipes from their customers.

That's where a good amount of their video content comes from. Their in-house stuff, though, is more about a vibe. They have a calming, flat, artsy aesthetic associated with their brand, and the videos anchor their social media presence in this wonderful style.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

7. Oreo

Like Chobani, Oreo's social media style is rooted in pleasantness. They don't have many limits on what type of content they make, beyond a vague hypnotic and enjoyable quality like this popular series of drawing process videos.

They're the Bob Ross of brands on social media, with slickly produced, short, simple videos that people love to share.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

8. Califia Farms

Califia Farms' social media is packed with quirky, cute videos alongside product and brand announcements.

Rather than angling for going viral, their content is informative about their brand and enjoyable to watch, making their social media pages serve a function similar to an official website -- except on a platform people are more likely to visit their content on!

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.


One of the more confounding, funny, and all-around strange ad campaigns in recent years was the International House of Pancakes' branding about-face to "IHOB" -- yeah, that "B" is for "Burgers".

Eventually, they rolled out hilarious ads to back up the wild campaign, but it all started with clean and simple videos announcing the change in suitably spartan fashion. This led to waves of discussion, as the whole routine was taken seriously by many and confusing to many more.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.

10. MoonPie

MoonPie is a strange brand to attempt to promote. Its main allure is that it's a classic treat from decades in the past, nostalgia for the elderly, and a curiosity for the young.

Going with an over-the-top hyperactive Gen Z-type campaign could very well undermine that. On the other hand, appealing too directly to that old-time imagery positions the product as a try-it-once type of curiosity. So their ingenious approach is to simply lean into both of these concepts at once.

Their campaign to have a MoonPie delivered to the actual moon by 2024 is an ongoing social media barrage, including tons of lighthearted videos that have the tone of a YouTube video directed at a younger audience, yet aesthetics reminiscent of the bygone era when MoonPies were the talk of the town.

It's a fun, attention-getting campaign that shoots for a broad audience and appears to be succeeding.

Discover the immense power of social media video marketing as we delve into 10 food brands that have harnessed its potential for remarkable success. Explore the captivating world of video marketing on social media and learn how these brands have leveraged it to achieve outstanding results.


Social media video marketing has revolutionized the way food brands engage with their audience. With its visual appeal, storytelling, and higher engagement rates, video marketing has become a powerful tool for driving results.

At Social Motion, we specialize in producing compelling video content for social media marketing. As a trusted social media video content creator company, we understand the importance of creating highly engaging and creative videos that capture attention, communicate brand messages, and drive conversions.

Whether you need product videos, brand videos, explainer videos, social media commercials, or a comprehensive video marketing strategy, our team is here to deliver exceptional results. Harness the power of video marketing on social media and unlock the potential of your brand.

Contact Social Motion today for impactful video content production that drives success.


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