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Captivating Video Styles and Techniques for Food and Beverage Brands

Michael Arking

June 22, 2023

9 min read

Are you a CEO in the food and beverage industry who may be unfamiliar with the term "Mukbang" or the latest video styles? Or perhaps you know what it is but don't quite understand the hype behind it? If you're searching for ways to elevate your brand's engagement, growth, and sales to the next level, we have a secret for you:

the powerful marriage between food and videos.

Let's face it – humans have an inherent love for food. And in today's digital age, the allure of watching videos featuring delicious food and beverages has skyrocketed. Have you ever wondered why people are so drawn to videos of others eating or drinking? Maybe you've come across a Mukbang video where someone devours an astonishing number of entrees in one sitting, leaving you both intrigued and amazed. You might even discover that one of your friends secretly enjoys watching such content!

In this article, we will explore the captivating world of video styles and techniques specifically tailored for the food and beverage industry. By harnessing the power of creative video styles, and strategic food videography, you can take your food video production to new heights. We will uncover the secrets to producing visually stunning and compelling videos that showcase your brand's unique identity and offerings.

What are Videography Techniques?

When it comes to creating captivating videos, having a strong grasp of videography techniques is essential. These techniques encompass a range of skills and practices that enable you to capture, edit, and present your video content in a visually appealing and engaging manner. Let's take a closer look at some key videography techniques that can enhance your food and beverage brand's video production:

1. Composition and Framing

One of the fundamental videography techniques is composition and framing. This involves carefully arranging the elements within the frame to create a visually pleasing and balanced shot. For food and beverage videos, consider using the rule of thirds, where you divide the frame into a grid and position key elements along the intersecting lines or at their intersections. This technique helps draw the viewer's attention to the focal point of the shot, whether it's a beautifully plated dish or a refreshing beverage.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

2. Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for capturing the true essence of your food and beverage offerings. Natural light or softly diffused lighting can accentuate the colors, textures, and details of the food, making it appear more appetizing. Experiment with different lighting setups and find the right balance to create a visually appealing ambiance that complements your brand's aesthetics.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

3. Camera Movements

Integrating smooth camera movements can add dynamism and excitement to your food and beverage videos. Consider incorporating techniques such as panning, tilting, and tracking shots to showcase the details of your dishes or the process of preparing them. These movements can create a sense of immersion, allowing your audience to feel as though they are experiencing the food and beverage journey firsthand.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

4. Wide, Medium, Close-Up Shots

To capture the essence of your food and beverage brand effectively, incorporate a variety of shot sizes. Wide shots can establish the setting and create a sense of atmosphere. Medium shots are ideal for showcasing the preparation process or the interaction between the chef and the dish. Close-up shots are perfect for highlighting the intricate details and textures of your food and beverage creations, tantalizing the viewer's senses.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

5. Background

The background plays a crucial role in setting the mood and enhancing the overall visual appeal of your videos. Consider using backgrounds that align with your brand's aesthetics and reinforce the desired ambiance. Whether it's a clean and minimalistic backdrop or a vibrant and lively setting, ensure that the background complements and elevates the featured food and beverage.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

6. Steady Shots

Stability is key when it comes to capturing enticing food and beverage videos. Consider using stabilizing equipment, such as tripods or gimbals, to eliminate shaky footage. Smooth and steady shots not only enhance the overall professionalism of your videos but also ensure that the focus remains on the enticing details of your culinary creations.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

7. Tell a Story

Effective storytelling is a powerful tool in creating engaging videos. For food and beverage brands, storytelling can involve showcasing the journey of ingredients, the passion of the chefs, or the unique experiences customers can expect. Craft a narrative that resonates with your target audience and effectively communicates the essence of your brand.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

8. Experiment with Angles

Don't be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different camera angles. Low-angle shots can create a sense of grandeur, while high-angle shots provide a unique perspective. Unconventional angles can add an element of intrigue and visual interest to your videos, making them stand out from the crowd.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.

9. Editing

The editing process is where you can truly bring your video style to life. Use editing software to trim, enhance, and add creative effects to your footage. Experiment with different transitions, overlays, and filters that align with your brand's image. Additionally, pay attention to pacing and rhythm in your editing to maintain the viewers' engagement throughout the video.

Discover the different creative video styles and innovative techniques to captivate and engage your audience. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.


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5 Videography Styles for Food and Beverage Brand

1. Stop Motion Style

The first video style we'll explore is stop motion. This film technique creates the illusion of movement by playing a series of photographed frames. Stop motion videos have an artisanal, quirky, and sometimes disruptive vibe, making them perfect for increasing brand awareness. Despite being short (10 - 20 seconds), the meticulous work behind stop motion videos intrigues people, leading them to share and tag others.

This style has gained even more relevance since McDonald's introduced the Travis Scott meal, featuring a stop motion commercial that broght an action figure of the rapper to life. Brands like Kettle Chips, Hershey, and Sprite are also utilizing this method to add a touch of magic to their online presence.

Link: Stop Motion Video Sample

2. Live Action Style

The following cinematographic technique is not too different from what it sounds. It uses real-life props, sets, and humans to create film shots similar to the real world. The purpose of live-action is to create a personal and relatable experience for the audience. For example, in Innocent Drink’s Christmas ad, the magnetic actors and real-life props like the superhero Santa costume all come together to develop a personal connection to the children who are watching the film. This film style sends a message to the viewers that there is still hope for Santa Claus in 2020, regardless of the tough times.

The live-action style is a perfect way to utilize charisma to deliver engaging and relatable storylines for your customers. The second Innocent Drink video is an example of how real-life products can own the spotlight and become the star of the story.

Link: Live Action Video Sample

3. Motion Graphics Styles

Another popular film style is motion graphics. It captivates the audiences through a combination of colors, shifting animations, catchy jingles, and ad copy in a matter of a couple of seconds to a minute long. Since simple texts are major components of motion graphics, it's the perfect videography style for food companies who wish to market their product through display ads and/or video production for social media.  

Take a look at this snackable-sized video for Skinny Dipped Almond that's packed with catchy tunes, colorful shapes, and full of vibrant energy to convey simple information- that they're super awesome! You have probably seen this package with a gigantic mouth-watering chocolate-covered almond smacked in the middle of the colorful bag chilling on the grocery shelves. And you have probably seen people taking selfies with these photogenic chocolate-almonds all over social media. The video below is a motion graphic styled video Social Motion did for Caulipower!

Link: Motion Graphics Style Video Sample

4. Animated Video Styles

This particular filming method has traditional roots going back to the classic Mickey Mouse days when Walt Disney drew multiple images to bring the exuberant mouse to life. It was essential for animators to draw each frame to create moving pictures.

Today technology has allowed people to create animations in 2-dimensional space thus, giving rise to digital 2D animation. It is usually cheaper and easier to animate an imaginary character or a fictional environment than to recreate them in real life. Animation style provides flexibility in changing the color or customizing the frame rate to the brand's liking. This filming approach is a stellar option to show off brand style or use for internal videos with an educational purpose.

Notable companies like Starbucks and The Honest Kitchen use animation to attract audiences. This particular style gradually builds a deep storyline to deliver the company’s message.

Below is an animation film of Starbucks ’ first store located in 1912 Pike Seattle. They use this video technique to show how everything started with the love and appreciation for coffee beans. The Honest Kitchen video shows how animation can be used as an internal video to educate employees.

Link: Animated Style Video Sample


Finally, for those who like all the types of video styles and cannot pick one, luckily, we have the answer for you! Our very own hybrid-style video creatively blends all of the video production techniques mentioned above to bring out that magic within your product and brand. If you are daring enough to explode with engagement through an entertaining, informative, and memorable touch, this particular social video production is for you!

In our newest Vitamin Friends video below, you will see how this little girl creatively problem-solves when her mom gives her bland vitamin tablets. We don’t want to spoil the video so press play to see what happens!

WARNING: be prepared for bursting flavors!

Link: Hybrid Style Video Sample

How to Choose a Video Style

When it comes to showcasing your food and beverage brand through video, choosing the right video style is crucial. Video styles set the tone, convey your brand's message, and capture the attention of your target audience.

1. Define Your Brand Identity

Before selecting a video style, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your brand identity. Consider your brand's values, target audience, and the overall vibe you want to convey. Are you a high-end restaurant showcasing elegant dishes, or a vibrant juice bar promoting healthy and colorful beverages? Understanding your brand identity will guide your decision-making process and help you narrow down the video styles that align with your vision.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

To create engaging videos, you must understand your customers inside out.

  • Who are they?
  • What are their preferences?
  • What type of content resonates with them?

Research your audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors to identify the video styles that will capture their attention and generate a positive response. For example, if your target audience is young and tech-savvy, animated video styles might be a great fit.

3. Research Different Video Styles

Take the time to research and explore various video styles that are relevant to the food and beverage industry. Creative video styles, such as stop motion, motion graphics, live action, hybrid, or animated video styles, can add a unique touch to your content. Creative video styles can help your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression.

4. Determine the Purpose of Your Video

Different types of videos serve various purposes in food and beverage marketing. Are you aiming to showcase your menu, introduce a new product, or tell a captivating story? The purpose of your video should align with the chosen video style. Understanding the purpose helps narrow down your options and ensure that your video style effectively conveys your message.

5. Maintain Consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to choosing a video style for your food and beverage brand. Your video style should align with your overall brand image and be consistent across all your marketing channels. This consistency creates a cohesive and recognizable visual identity, making it easier for your audience to connect with your brand. Ensure that your chosen video style complements your logo, website design, social media presence, and other branding elements.

6. Test and Analyze

Once you've chosen a video style, it's essential to test its effectiveness. Release your videos across different platforms and analyze their performance. Monitor engagement metrics, such as views, likes, shares, and comments, to gauge your audience's response. If a particular video style proves more successful than others, consider refining and expanding upon it in your future content.


In conclusion, the selection of captivating video styles and the utilization of various videography techniques are crucial for the success of your food and beverage video production. It is also essential to align your chosen video styles with your brand identity, target audience preferences, and overall messaging goals to create a cohesive and captivating visual experience.

Furthermore, consider the advantages of partnering with a professional service like Social Motion. With our expertise in different creative video styles and knowledge of the latest trends, Social Motion can help take your food brand's video production to the next level. We specialize in creating high-quality product videos, brand videos, explainer videos, Amazon films, etc. bringing your food and beverage offerings to life, delivering visually captivating content that effectively communicates your brand's story and captivates your target audience.

By leveraging captivating video styles and techniques, your brand can leave a lasting impression on viewers, boosting customer engagement and fostering brand loyalty. Embrace the art of videography to unlock the full potential of your food and beverage brand and create impactful videos that captivate your audience.


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