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Growing Your Sales with Killer YouTube Video Ads

Michael Arking

December 28, 2020

3 min read

Video is arguably the most powerful digital marketing medium out there. It has the ability to engage, excite, and hold interest like no other piece of content. Since video is such a powerful tool to market your brand, what better way to take advantage of it than through the popular video platform we all know as YouTube? 1.9 billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month. That's half of the internet!

So if you're running video ads on YouTube, you get to expose your brand to billions of prospective customers. Not only can that build brand awareness, but it can also encourage more people to buy your products or services. Here's how to drive more sales with YouTube video ads.


YouTube has many video ad formats available:

Skippable video ads: Viewers can skip these video ads after 5 seconds. You can insert them before, during, or after the main video.Non-skippable video ads: Viewers must watch these video ads before they can view their video. You can use long non-skippable video ads, which can be up to 30 seconds long. You can insert them before, during, or after the main video.Bumper ads: These are non-skippable video ads that can be up to 6 seconds long. Viewers must watch these ads before they can view their video.

Choose the right video ad format based on your marketing goal. Do you want to maximize the number of people that see your ads? Use skippable video ads and create great content that tells a story in just 5 seconds. Do you have a large message you're trying to get across? Aim for a long non-skippable video ad.


It's important to create high-quality video content that keeps viewers engaged. Ideally, you want to create a video ad that no one wants to skip. You can do this by telling a human story that evokes an emotional reaction within your viewers or telling a funny joke that has your audience on the floor laughing. This is important because with so many video ads saturating the internet, yours has to stand out in order to grab attention.


Creating great video content for your YouTube ad is only half the battle. Making your audience want to take action is the other half. You can add different CTAs, cards to showcase products, or even auto-end screens encouraging viewers to download your app. If viewers are interested in your offer, then they'll most likely click on your chosen CTA. You can have the best video ad on the internet, but if you're not getting tangible results (i.e. more sales, higher conversions, etc.), then you're wasting money and time. So if you want to make the most of your ad spend, take advantage of YouTube's actionable features to reach your video ad goals faster and more efficiently.


Remarketing allows you to follow your website visitors with advertisements in other places such as social media networks, websites via the Google Display Network, and in this case, YouTube. For example, let's say that someone clicked on your website, viewed one of your products, and added it to their cart. But they didn't checkout. You can set up a video ad on YouTube that retargets that audience to remind them about your brand. This could ultimately lead to them making a purchase. If you could do this for many of your website visitors, just imagine how much your sales could increase.

At Social Motion Films, we'll help you create engaging shareable videos for your target audience. Visit our website for more info!

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