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9 Food Videography Pro Tips You Can't Miss

Michael Arking

January 18, 2024

15 min read

In 2020, the pandemic transformed our viewing habits, and food videos took center stage. This led to an increased interest in food videography as viewers sought captivating and tempting food content to enjoy on their screens.

Now, as we navigate the dynamic landscape of digital content, these pro tips will guide businesses in the food industry to create food-worthy video content that food brands can’t afford to miss.

What is Food Videography?

What exactly is food videography? It's the art of crafting visually enticing videos that showcase the delightful journey from ingredients to the finished product. Businesses are now recognizing the impact of these videos in creating an immersive brand experience. In a fast-paced world where attention spans are shorter than ever, food videography stands out as an effective way to communicate your brand story and showcase your food products in an engaging manner.

Why Do We Need Food Videos?

So, why do we need food videos? It's simple - people love visuals, especially when it comes to food. Videos bring your food products to life, allowing your audience to savor the essence of your brand in a matter of seconds. With the rise of social media and the ever-growing demand for engaging content, incorporating food videos into your marketing strategy is not just beneficial; it's essential.

The Popularity of Food Videos

Why are Food Videos So Popular?

In a world flooded with content, food videos have uniquely captivated audiences. Their popularity lies in the immersive sensory experience they offer. People love the sights, sounds, and sizzles of food being prepared.

Food videos offer a virtual taste for the senses. The surge of food videos during the 2020 pandemic further fueled this trend. People sought comfort and connection through shared food experiences on their screens.

During the pandemic, food videos became a trend which became a golden opportunity for food brands to showcase their products through enticing visuals. Statistics further emphasize the widespread appeal of food videos. The consumption of food-related content has surged, with a remarkable 280% increase in food channel subscriptions year over year, highlighting the sustained interest in culinary visual experiences.

This data underscores the fact that food videos have not only maintained but significantly expanded their audience base. This becomes a powerful medium for engaging viewers and fostering brand loyalty among millennial food enthusiasts.

Mukbang, in particular, was one of the most popular trends during this period. The global pause in regular activities led people to explore new hobbies, and watching food videos became a deliciously entertaining pastime. Food brands, recognizing this shift, found an opportunity to connect with audiences through engaging visual content.

Related Post: The Power of Social Media Video Marketing: 10 Food Brands Excel on Social Media

Why are Mukbang Videos So Popular?

Originating from South Korea, Mukbang videos involve hosts consuming large quantities of food while interacting with their audience. The popularity of Mukbang lies in its unique blend of entertainment, social interaction, and enjoyment.

Viewers find joy in experiencing the pleasures of eating without the actual consumption. This makes it like a social dining experience, especially when many were isolated due to the pandemic.

Mukbang videos became a global phenomenon, offering a sense of companionship during lockdowns. Whether it's the satisfying crunch of crispy snacks or the slurp of noodles, Mukbang videos tap into the ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) trend.

This provides viewers with a sensory experience that is oddly soothing. As social beings craving connection, the rise of Mukbang during the pandemic showcased the power of digital platforms to bring people together.

Are Food Videos Popular on YouTube?

Absolutely! YouTube has become a haven for food enthusiasts and content creators. Its versatility allows for a diverse range of food content, from cooking tutorials to food challenges.

Viewers flock to YouTube for its extensive video library. The rise of "foodie" culture has led to an increase in searches for recipes, reviews, and visually appealing food presentations. Utilizing YouTube for food-related content attracts a broad audience.

During the pandemic, when people were restricted to their homes, YouTube emerged as a primary platform for video exploration. Data reveals a significant surge in searches for cooking and food-related content on the platform amid lockdowns. YouTube provides an excellent opportunity for food brands to show their products and engage with a wider audience.

Food Videos for Instagram

In the world of visual-centric social media, Instagram stands out as a platform where food brands can truly shine. With its emphasis on aesthetics and short form video content, Instagram is the perfect stage for showcasing your product through captivating food videography. The key here is to create visually stunning videos that tell a story in a matter of seconds.

Leverage Instagram's various features, such as Reels and IGTV, to diversify your content and reach a broader audience. Use attention-grabbing captions and hashtags to increase discoverability, and engage with your followers through comments and direct messages.

By consistently delivering high-quality and shareable food videos, you can build a dedicated community around your brand, turning casual scrollers into loyal customers.



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How Popular are Food Videos on TikTok?

If there's one platform that has revolutionized short-form video content, it's TikTok. With its addictive nature and vast user base, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity for food brands to showcase their products in a fun and creative way. Food videos on TikTok is all about embracing trends, challenges, and user-generated content to connect with a younger, trend-savvy audience.

Creating food-centric challenges or participating in existing ones can quickly elevate your brand's visibility. Keep your videos short, snappy, and visually enticing to capture the short attention spans of TikTok users. On TikTok, the more authentic and entertaining your food videos are, the higher the chances of your brand gaining widespread recognition.

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Why Food Videos are Addictive?

Have you ever found yourself unable to look away from a food video? You're not alone. There's a scientific reason behind the addictive nature of food content. Our brains respond to visual stimuli, and food videos tap into this primal instinct. From the sizzle of a pan to the ooze of melted cheese, these sensory delights create an addictive viewing experience.

For food businesses, this presents a golden opportunity to forge a connection with the audience. Crafting a visually captivating food video not only showcases the product but also evokes a genuine emotional response, essential in the food world where cravings reign supreme.

Sensory Appeal of Food Videos

Why are Food Videos So Satisfying?

Food videos go beyond the visuals – they tap into our senses for a deeply satisfying experience. The sizzling sounds, vibrant colors, and captivating motions create a sensory symphony. This stimulation releases good endorphins, making the viewing experience enjoyable and delicious.

Food brands entering video marketing can boost content impact by incorporating these elements. Aim to immerse your audience in a satisfying and immersive experience by focusing on these sensory cues.

Food Videos to Make You Hungry?

Food videos excel at one thing – inducing irresistible cravings. The visuals and sounds work together to create a sensory masterpiece that leaves viewers yearning for a taste. The magic lies in the presentation. Close-ups capturing gooey centers or slow-motion reveals of food being pulled apart.

Another popular video style that is great for food videos is stop-motion. It offers a distinct charm and tactile quality that cannot be replicated by other methods. For food brands, the ability to evoke hunger proves to be a powerful strategy for creating enthusiasm and interest in your products. Tailor your food video to engage your audience as active participants in their food cravings, rather than mere viewers.

Related Post: Captivating Video Styles and Techniques for Food and Beverage Brands

Getting Started with Food Videography

What Do You Need to Make Food Videos?

Starting your food video journey involves creativity, preparation, and the right tools. Let's explore the essentials for your food brand's captivating and visually striking food videos.

Food Videography Equipment

Investing in the right equipment is crucial to bring your products to life on screen. While not requiring a Hollywood-level setup, a few key items can greatly enhance your food video quality.

1. Camera

Start with a capable camera that captures high-resolution videos. Many smartphones today boast impressive cameras suitable for entry-level food videography. However, for those aiming to elevate their video production, consider a DSLR or mirrorless camera for greater control over settings.

Food Videography Equipment - Camera
2. Tripod

Stability is key to achieving professional-looking videos. A sturdy tripod ensures your camera remains steady. It prevents shaky footage that can detract from the visual appeal of your food.

Food Videography Equipment - Tripod
3. Lighting Setup

What is the best lighting for a food video? Well, opt for good lighting, whether natural or artificial, to enhance your video content. Invest in softbox lights or ring lights for even illumination indoors or in low-light conditions.

Food Videography Equipment - Lighting Setup
4. Stylish Props and Backdrops

Enhance your snack presentation with backdrops and props. Match your product's colors and textures, such as wooden surfaces, marble slabs, or vibrant backgrounds.

Food Videography Equipment - Stylish Props and Backdrops
5. Editing Software

Post-production is where you fine-tune your content. Editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or even free options that help you cut, edit, and add finishing touches to your food videos.

Ready to Elevate Your Visions through Exceptional Food Videography?

Let Social Motion bring your visions to life into visually stunning videos, each frame expertly crafted to showcase the allure of your food product.

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What is the Best Focal Length for Food Videography?

Determining the ideal focal length for food products is crucial for achieving visually appealing results. Different lengths offer varying perspectives, each with its unique advantages.

Short Focal Lengths (Wide-Angle):

Short focal lengths, typically below 35mm, provide a broad field of view, capturing an entire scene. This is beneficial for establishing shots or showcasing an entire table spread. Wide-angle lenses excel in capturing context and creating an immersive experience, making viewers feel like they're right there in the kitchen.

Mid-Range Focal Lengths (35mm to 85mm):

Mid-range focal lengths strike a balance between wide-angle and telephoto, offering versatility in composition. Lenses within this range, like a 50mm prime lens, are popular choices for food video. They allow for a natural perspective without distortion, making them ideal for close-ups and highlighting specific details, such as steam rising from a freshly cooked dish.

Telephoto Focal Lengths (Above 85mm):

Telephoto lenses, with focal lengths exceeding 85mm, excel in bringing distant subjects closer. While less common in food product videos, they can be used to capture specific details from a distance, like zooming in on intricate garnishes or capturing the texture of a dessert. However, be cautious of maintaining an appropriate distance to prevent distortion.

Selecting the best focal length depends on the story you want to tell and the level of detail you aim to showcase. Experimenting with different lengths will give you a broader understanding of how each contributes to the overall visual narrative of your food videos.

How Much Does Food Videography Cost?

When talking about how much it costs to make food videos, there are different options. You can do it yourself using your smartphone and free editing tools if you don't have much budget. This can give you decent results. But, if you want a really good, high-quality result that stands out from online competition, it's important to invest on professional video production services.

The Importance of Professional Video

Professional video production brings an expert touch to your content, ensuring that your products are presented in the best possible way. While DIY videos can be cost-effective, professional videos offer a level of sophistication that can set your brand apart. Experts like Social Motion understand the nuances of lighting, composition, editing, and storytelling, creating a visual narrative that resonates with your target audience. Consider it an investment in your brand's image. A polished video not only attracts attention but also instills confidence in your brand's quality and appeal.

Related Post: Cost of Video Production: What You Need to Know

How Do You Make a Good Food Video?

Creating a mouthwatering food video is an art that blends creativity, technique, and a dash of passion.

  • Start by focusing on the basics: Food videography lighting, framing, and stability. Natural light works wonders, so position your setup near a window or use soft artificial lighting to avoid harsh shadows.
  • Ensure your camera or smartphone is steady – shaky footage distracts from the delicious details.
  • Next, consider your backdrop. Choose settings that complement your product without stealing the show. A neutral background or a kitchen setting often works wonders. Plan your shots but leave room for spontaneity.
  • Capture the prep process, the sizzle, and the final presentation. Engage your audience by narrating the story behind the dish – the inspiration, ingredients, and the joy it brings.
  • Remember, simplicity is key. Keep your video concise, showcasing the highlights of your product without overwhelming viewers.
  • Use clear, straightforward language in your captions to guide the viewer through each step.
  • Finally, edit with precision. Trim unnecessary footage, add a touch of music if appropriate, and use transitions to create a seamless viewing experience.

A good food video is not just about the dish; it's about sharing an experience.

How Do You Make Food Look Good in Videos?

Making food look irresistible on video is a blend of technique and presentation.

1. Start by paying attention to the colors of your product. Vibrant and contrasting colors not only make the food visually appealing but also enhance its perceived taste. Consider the color wheel when planning your ingredients to create a visually stimulating palette.

To make food look good in videos, pay attention to the colors of the product. Consider color wheel when planning your ingredients to create a visually stimulating palette.

2. Texture is another crucial element. Capture the crunchiness, creaminess, or juiciness of your food by adjusting your camera focus. Close-up shots can highlight the details, making viewers practically taste the dish through the screen. Experiment with different camera speeds and angles to create movement, adding an extra layer of dynamism to your food presentation.

3. Props and garnishes can elevate the overall aesthetics of your food video. A sprinkle of fresh herbs, a drizzle of sauce, or a well-placed utensil can turn a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece.

However, remember to strike a balance; too many elements can clutter the frame. Aim for a clean and visually pleasing arrangement that enhances the overall appeal of your food without overwhelming the viewer.

Food Videography Pro Tips - sprinkle fresh herbs, a drizzle of sauce, or a well-placed utensil can turn a simple dish into a culinary masterpiece.

9 Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video

1. Crafting a Compelling Story

The heart of any great food video lies in a compelling story. Begin by uncovering the unique story behind your brand – the journey from concept to creation, the dedication of your team, or the authentic origins of your ingredients.

A well-told story resonates with viewers, forging a connection that goes beyond the product. In food, where competition is high, a compelling story sets your brand apart and creates a lasting impression in your audience.

Related Post: The Power of a Well-Crafted Product Story Video

2. Choosing the Right Platform

Understanding your customers is important when selecting the platform for your food videos. Different social media platforms cater to diverse demographics. TikTok might be perfect for reaching a younger, dynamic audience, while YouTube could engage a broader, more diverse demographic. Tailor your content to the preferences of your target audience, ensuring your brand's video content finds a home where it resonates most effectively.

3. Pick the Right Video Type

When it comes to food videography, selecting the right video style is crucial to convey your brand's story effectively. Don't limit yourself to a single video style. Opt for styles that accentuate the delicious details of your product, such as close-ups, slow-motion shots, and captivating transitions.

Consider incorporating stop motion for a playful touch or time-lapse to showcase the preparation process. By tailoring your video style to the essence of your brand, you create an immersive experience that resonates with your audience's taste buds.

Here are the top 5 Videography Styles for Food and Beverage Brands you can consider.

4. Master the Art of Movement

Mastering different types of camera movements is key to engaging food videos. Incorporate pan shots for a sweeping view, tilt shots for elegant reveals, and zoom shots to highlight intricate details. These movements bring your food products to life, making viewers feel like they're part of the adventure.

a. Pan Shots

A slow pan across your product landscape captures its essence gracefully. Use pan shots to showcase your product from different angles, revealing its tempting details gradually.

b. Tilt Shots

Tilt shots add a playful dimension to your videos. Shift the angle to spotlight unique features or create a dramatic reveal. Tilt shots bring an element of surprise, keeping your product the spotlight.

c. Zoom Shots

Zoom shots build anticipation by gradually revealing the product’s delicious details. Use this technique to highlight textures, colors, and intricate components. Zooming creates a sensory experience that immerses your audience in the irresistible allure of your products.

5. Playing with Angles

Choosing the right angles can make or break your food videos. Experiment with different perspectives to keep your content visually and engaging.

What Are the Best Angles for Food Videos?

1. Close-Ups

Dive deep into the details. Zoom in on the textures, colors, and the tiny details of your snacks. Close-ups create a mouth-watering experience that draws viewers in.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Close-Ups
2. Bird's-Eye View

Elevate your storytelling by showcasing your food products from above. This angle provides a unique perspective, highlighting the array of ingredients or the artful presentation of your products.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Bird's-Eye View
3. Over-the-Shoulder Shots

This type of shot involves placing the camera just behind and slightly to the side of one of the subjects. So the shoulder and back of the head are in the frame. It's a powerful and immersive way to bring viewers into the perspective of a character or, in the context of food videography, the person interacting with the food.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Over-the-Shoulder Shots

6. Harmonizing Audio

Don't underestimate the power of audio in food videos. Capture the crisp sound of biting into a chip or the sizzling of a freshly grilled snack. Quality audio enhances the sensory experience, making your food videos more immersive and memorable.

7. Composition Techniques

a. Rule of Thirds

Apply the rule of thirds to create visually balanced and appealing shots. Place your subject at the intersections of these imaginary lines to draw attention to the most enticing features. It's a simple yet powerful technique that guides the viewer's eyes to what matters most – your delicious snacks.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Rule of Thirds Composition Techniques

b. Framing Finesse

Experiment with framing to highlight the unique selling points of your product. Whether it's the packaging, the preparation process, or the delightful moment of consumption, effective framing amplifies your brand story. Frame the product as the star, making every shot a showcase of its irresistible appeal.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Framing Finesse Composition Techniques

c. Negative Space

Embrace the power of negative space to enhance focus. Let your snack take center stage against a minimalist backdrop, ensuring that every detail is appreciated without distraction. Less clutter, more attention on your product.

Best Angles for Food Videos - Negative Space Composition Techniques

8. Play with Colors and Textures

a. Color Contrast

Leverage color to make your product pop. Contrasting colors enhance visual appeal and make your products stand out, creating an irresistible allure. Think about the vibrant reds of strawberries against the green backdrop or the contrast of a dark chocolate coating on a light-colored cookie.

Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video - Colors and Textures Techniques

b. Texture Close-Ups

Zoom in on the textures of your snacks to evoke sensory delight. Showcase the crispiness, smoothness, or flakiness to create an immersive experience for your audience. Let them almost feel the crunch or the melt-in-the-mouth sensation through the screen.

Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video - Play with Colors and Textures Techniques

c. Colorful Ingredients

Highlight the natural vibrancy of your ingredients to convey freshness and quality. Use the colors of your ingredients to tell a vivid and appetizing story. Show the colorful vegetables, the rich spices, and the fresh herbs that make your snacks not only delicious but visually appealing.

Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video - Play with Colors and Textures Techniques copy

d. Color Explosion

Create visual impact by incorporating bursts of color. Whether it's a colorful backdrop or a dynamic display of your product varieties, a color explosion captures attention. It's like a visual feast, enticing your audience to explore the diverse and exciting world of your product.

Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video - Play with Colors and Textures Techniques

e. Palette Perfection

Craft a visually harmonious palette that aligns with your brand identity. Consistent color schemes across your videos contribute to brand recognition and visual cohesion. A well-thought-out color palette ensures that each video resonates with your brand, creating a cohesive and memorable visual experience.

Food Videography Pro Tips for Irresistible Video - Play with Colors and Textures Techniques

9. Timing is Everything

a. Seasonal Releases

Align your video with the seasons to tap into timely consumer preferences. Whether it's refreshing snacks for summer or cozy delights for winter, releasing videos in sync with the seasons adds relevance and resonance to your brand.

b. Holiday Highlights

Leverage holiday seasons to showcase special editions or themed products. Create videos that evoke the holiday spirit, making your product a part of festive celebrations. It's not just about selling; it's about becoming a part of cherished moments.

c. Trend Challenges

Stay ahead of the curve by incorporating trending themes into your snack videos. From viral challenges to popular cultural references, infusing your videos with current trends keeps your brand fresh and engaging.

d. Timely Announcements

Use your videos to make timely announcements, whether it's new flavors, limited editions, or exciting collaborations. Video content allows you to convey information in a dynamic and engaging way, creating anticipation and excitement among your audience.


To wrap it up, it’s clear that food videography isn't just a tool – it's the secret to unlocking your food brand’s full potential. From up-close shots that make your audience appreciate every detail to the mix of colors and textures that tell a lively story, food videos is like taking your viewers on an immersive journey.

The importance of your product story, video style, movement, angles, composition, audio, colors, and timing cannot be overstated. Together, these elements create a story that not only shows your food product but also builds an emotional connection with your viewers. In a world where the attention span is short, food videos helps your brand stand out and remain memorable to your audience.

Ready to take your food brand to new heights? Transform your marketing strategy with the magic of video content. Elevate your product story, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impression in their minds. Our expert video production services are tailored to meet the unique needs of food businesses like yours.

Don't just tell your story; show it with mouth-watering visuals that captivate and convert. Leverage the power of food videography today – because your food product deserve to be seen in their best light. Contact us now to explore how our creative team can bring your food product to life through compelling video content.

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