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10 Advantages of Vertical Video Content for Ultimate Engagement

Michael Arking

September 6, 2023

9 min read

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audiences. One such trend that has taken the marketing world by storm is vertical video content. This format has reshaped the way we consume visual information.

So let's delve into the world of vertical video content, exploring its definition, benefits, vertical video sizes, and more. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just beginning to explore the realm of video content, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to engage your audience and elevate your brand presence.

What is Vertical Video Content?

Vertical video content is all about making videos that work best on mobile devices. These videos are designed to fit the way smartphones are naturally used, unlike the usual horizontal videos made for TV and computer screens. This style has gotten really popular because of social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and even Facebook Stories. These platforms mostly use vertical videos because they suit the way people hold their phones and scroll through content.

Vertical videos are the ones that you watch while holding your phone up-and-down, like you usually do. They fill up your phone screen better, and you don't have to turn your phone sideways to watch them. Imagine you're holding your phone upright, and the video fills the screen from top to bottom – that's what vertical video is.

Before, videos were usually made for TVs and computers, so they were wider, like a movie theater screen. But now, with everyone using their phones so much, it makes sense to create videos that fit those screens better. You can hold your phone with one hand and swipe through videos without needing to turn it sideways. It's more comfortable and feels more natural.

Why is Vertical Video Becoming Popular?

Why is vertical video gaining so much popularity? Well, it's all about the way it enhances our user experience. In a world where we're used to scrolling through content effortlessly, vertical videos fit right into this digital rhythm. You don't have to turn your phone sideways; instead, you're immediately drawn into a full-screen adventure as soon as the video starts. This captivating effect grabs your attention from the very beginning.

Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and facebook have been at the forefront of this trend, making it even more popular. Vertical videos feel close as they fill your phone screen and cut distractions. They take you on a good-looking journey. Because of this, brands use them to share messages strongly, getting more interactions and conversions.

It's no surprise that millennials are a big part of this trend. They hardly ever bother to flip their mobile devices horizontally, and the numbers back that up. Studies show that a whopping 90% of millennials prefer using their phones in the vertical position. This means that vertical video is a natural fit for how they use their devices, making it an even more appealing format for communication.


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What are the Benefits of Using Vertical Video for Marketing?

If you're a business or brand trying to make your marketing better, using vertical videos can really help. Here are some good reasons to add vertical videos to your video marketing strategy:

1. Increase Conversions

Video marketing helps you make catchy animated videos with your logo or tagline to grab attention for your brand. When you use vertical videos, you can engage your target audience and get them interested in your product or service. By filming what your customers do (like buying, using, or getting support), you can make videos that highlight these moments. This builds a strong brand image for your business.

2. Increases Brand Recognition

Vertical video marketing can really boost your brand recognition online. When you make video content and share them on big websites, you can reach millions of viewers worldwide right away. Social media is also great for getting lots of people interested in what you offer. Take Facebook, for example. It gets over 7 billion video views every day, showing how much people like videos.

3. Enhanced Mobile Experience

Vertical videos cater to the natural orientation of mobile devices, eliminating the need for users to rotate their screens. This creates a frictionless and enjoyable viewing experience that encourages users to consume content for longer durations.

4. Increased Engagement

Studies have shown that vertical videos received higher engagement rates compared to their horizontal counterparts. The full-screen format captures attention, leading to higher view-through rates, click-through rates, and shares.

5. Improves Client Satisfaction

Vertical video marketing allows you to present your brand from a unique viewpoint. These videos inform your customers what impact, features, and benefits your products or services will provide them. This gives customers a look at the product that no other marketing medium can provide. Vertical video marketing allows you to give your customers the inside view of your company. It also provides a look into the culture of your organization.

6. Seamless Social Media Integration

Social media platforms, including Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, are optimized for vertical content. By utilizing this format, you can integrate your content into users' feeds and stories, enhancing discoverability.

7. Higher Completion Rates

Users are more likely to watch vertical videos till the end, as the format keeps their attention focused on the screen, reducing distractions and drop-offs.

8. Audience Reach

The popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram among younger demographics makes vertical videos an ideal choice for reaching and engaging with Gen Z and millennial audiences.

9. Brand Modernity

Embracing vertical video demonstrates your brand's adaptability and awareness of current trends. It positions your brand as tech-savvy and attuned to the preferences of modern consumers.

10. Access to Younger Audiences

The vertical video format provides brands with a direct avenue to connect with younger generations, who are increasingly drawn to platforms like TikTok and Snapchat. These platforms thrive on vertical video content and are particularly popular among Gen Z and Millennials, offering a unique opportunity for brands to establish a genuine and lasting presence among these influential demographics.

Can Vertical Videos Enhance the Mobile User Experience?

Absolutely. The rise of mobile usage has reshaped the way content is consumed. Vertical videos cater to the natural orientation of mobile devices, providing a seamless and immersive viewing experience. Users no longer need to rotate their screens, which can lead to higher engagement rates. By embracing vertical video content, businesses can deliver a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience to their audience.

Are there any Statistics on the Effectiveness of Vertical Video Ads?

Certainly! As mentioned above, 90% of millennials prefer watching vertical videos. Statistics also show vertical videos are better for clicks and engagement. Vertical videos on mobiles have 90% more chance to be watched till the end compared to horizontal ones. This means people like watching vertical videos more, which is great for telling stories and promoting brands.

For example, imagine an e-commerce brand that runs a vertical video ad campaign. This ad shows its products being used. Many people who see this ad will likely watch the whole product video. This helps them remember the brand better and makes it more likely to drive conversions.

Unlock the power of vertical videos! Discover 10 advantages that make vertical video content a must-try strategy for boosting engagement and reach.

How do I Create Effective Vertical Video Content?

Best Practices for Creating Vertical Videos

Crafting effective vertical video content requires a strategic approach. Here are some best practices to ensure your videos stand out:

1. Capture Attention Early

Start with a dynamic visual or a captivating question to immediately hook your audience. For instance, a travel agency could begin with a stunning aerial view of a tropical destination to instantly captivate viewers.

2. Concise Storytelling

Since vertical videos are typically shorter in duration, focus on delivering a concise yet impactful storytelling. Consider showcasing the transformation of a customer's problem to a solution offered by your product.

3. Optimize for Silence

As many viewers watch videos on mute, use text overlays or captions to convey your message effectively. A fitness brand promoting a workout app could display exercise names and benefits in sync with the visuals.

4. Branding and Logos

Seamlessly integrate your brand elements within the video. A cosmetics company could subtly place its logo on makeup products being used in a tutorial, reinforcing brand identity.

5. Clear Call to Action

Guide viewers on the desired action. A software company demonstrating a new app could conclude with a clear call-to-action, prompting viewers to download the app for a free trial.

If you're interested in learning more about the costs associated with video production and how to strike the right balance between quality and budget, we invite you to read our blog on the "Cost of Video Production."

Which Platforms Support Vertical Video?

Vertical video content has smoothly become part of many social media platforms. It reaches and engages the intended audience more widely. Top platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and even Facebook currently back vertical video formats. These platforms have adjusted to the era where mobile comes first. They acknowledge how well portrait-oriented videos grab users' attention while they browse through their feeds.


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What Aspect Ratio Should I Use for Vertical Videos?

When creating vertical videos, the recommended aspect ratio is 9:16. This ratio ensures that your video occupies the entire screen when viewed on a smartphone, providing an immersive viewing experience.

Vertical Video Dimensions

Different social media platforms have varying specifications for vertical video dimensions. Let's explore the optimal sizes for some of the major platforms:

1. Vertical Video Size for Facebook

For Facebook, the ideal vertical video size is 1080 x 1920 pixels. This size ensures that your video looks crisp and clear when displayed on users' mobile devices as they scroll through their feeds.

2. Vertical Video Size for TikTok

TikTok, the popular short-form video platform, recommends a vertical video size of 1080 x 1920 pixels as well. This size aligns with the preferences of TikTok's predominantly mobile audience.

3. Vertical Video Size for Instagram

Instagram is another platform where vertical video content thrives. For Instagram Stories and IGTV, consider using the 1080 x 608 pixels dimension to maximize visual impact.

4. Vertical Video Size for Snapchat

Snapchat, known for its ephemeral content, favors vertical videos with a size of 1080 x 1920 pixels. This ensures that your video content seamlessly integrates with the platform's user interface.

5. Vertical Video Size for YouTube

Even on YouTube, vertical video content has found its place. While YouTube typically caters to horizontal videos, vertical videos with a size of 1080 x 1920 pixels can be used effectively, especially for mobile viewing.

Vertical Video vs Horizontal Video

Vertical Video vs Horizontal

Each format of vertical video and horizontal video brings its unique strengths and caters to different contexts and platforms. Let's dive deeper to understand when and why to choose between them.

Horizontal Videos: Traditional Viewing Experience

Landscape videos, also known as horizontal videos, have been the regular way to make videos since TV and movies started. They give a comfortable and engaging viewing experience. On wide monitors or TVs, these videos look really good. That's why platforms like YouTube and regular TV use them a lot.

The wide format works well for video content that needs a big visual view. Examples are beautiful landscapes, group interviews, and storytelling in movies. The wide layout lets us see more details and a wider scene. This is the top pick for stories that need lots of setup and a big visual story.

Vertical Videos: Immersive Mobile-First Experience

On the other hand, the vertical video format has become really popular. This is because more people are using smartphones and mostly watching stuff on them. Vertical videos are meant to be watched upright, just like we naturally hold our phones. This makes us feel more connected to what's happening.

Vertical videos are great for mobile-focused places like Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Snapchat. They use the phone screen better and grab your attention more than horizontal videos. This is super useful for quick and engaging content like short tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, and fast-paced storytelling.

What are the Challenges of Creating Quality Vertical Video Content?

While vertical video content offers numerous advantages, there are also challenges to overcome:

1. Framing and Composition

Vertical space can be limiting when composing shots. Ensuring all essential elements are captured while maintaining visual appeal can be a balancing act.

2. Repurposing Horizontal Content

Converting horizontal videos to vertical format might lead to compromised visuals or cut-off content. Customizing content for vertical screens is often a more effective approach.

3. Storytelling Adjustments

Adapting storytelling techniques for vertical videos requires a different perspective. Restructuring narratives to fit the vertical format seamlessly can be a creative challenge.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, vertical video content is increasingly becoming popular as a dynamic and immersive way to engage audiences. It seamlessly integrates with the mobile-driven habits of modern consumers, offering businesses and brands a powerful tool to connect and communicate effectively. By embracing the vertical format, brands can enhance user experience, increase engagement rates, and tap into the preferences of younger demographics.

The key to business success lies in finding the suitable medium through which you can effectively communicate to your customers and target audiences. Experimenting with vertical video marketing is a great way to increase brand recognition, increase conversions, and build trust with your target audience.

In this journey, partnering with experts like Social Motion Film, a leading video production company specializing in creating captivating vertical video content, can amplify your efforts. With our expertise in storytelling, and technical know-how, we empower brands to navigate the vertical video landscape with confidence and creativity. Elevate your brand's presence and engage your audience through the impactful realm of vertical video content.

Vertical Video Content FAQs

Are there any best practices for shooting vertical videos?

1. Orientation and Framing

Hold your smartphone vertically while shooting to maximize the use of the screen space. Pay attention to your subject's placement within the frame, ensuring they're not too close to the edges.

2. Composition

Apply the same composition principles as you would for horizontal videos. Utilize the rule of thirds, leading lines, and symmetry to create visually appealing shots.

3. Movement and Action

Vertical videos can still incorporate dynamic movement. Pan smoothly, zoom gradually, and capture action within the vertical frame without sacrificing visual integrity.

4. Text and Graphics

Place important text and graphics in the center or upper portion of the frame to ensure they're visible even in smaller previews on social media feeds.

5. Lighting and Exposure

Proper lighting is essential for any video. Avoid harsh shadows and overexposure by ensuring your subject is well-lit, and the background isn't too distracting.

Can vertical videos be used on traditional horizontal screens?

The aspect ratio of vertical videos is optimized for mobile devices and social media platforms, but what happens when they're viewed on traditional horizontal screens, like TVs or computer monitors?

Vertical videos can still be viewed on horizontal screens, but they often result in black bars on the sides due to the mismatched aspect ratio. Some platforms automatically rotate and adapt the video for horizontal viewing, but this can compromise the intended composition.

To make vertical videos more compatible with horizontal screens:

1. Crop and Edit

Edit the vertical video to fit the horizontal screen by cropping the top and bottom. However, this might result in losing some important content.

2. Dynamic Backgrounds

If possible, use dynamic or blurred backgrounds that can fill the empty space on the sides of the video when viewed horizontally.

3. Dual Versions

Create two versions of the video – one optimized for vertical viewing and another adapted for horizontal screens. This way, you can maintain the best experience on both screen orientations.

How does vertical video impact user engagement?

Vertical video content boasts exceptional user engagement rates, largely due to its immersive nature. The full-screen vertical format commands the viewer's attention, eliminating distractions and enhancing the overall viewing experience. This format naturally fits the way users interact with their mobile devices, leading to increased engagement and higher chances of message retention.

Are there specific industries that benefit more from vertical video content?

Indeed, certain industries can harness the power of vertical video content more effectively. Sectors such as fashion, beauty, travel, food, and entertainment greatly benefit from the visually striking nature of vertical videos. However, with creative adaptation, almost any industry can leverage vertical videos to connect with their audience in an authentic and compelling manner.

Is it true that vertical videos have higher completion rates?

Absolutely! Vertical videos tend to have higher completion rates compared to their horizontal counterparts. Recent studies reveal that vertical video content has a remarkable 90% completion rate on mobile devices.

The vertical format eliminates distractions and focuses the viewer's attention, leading to a more engaged and invested audience. This higher completion rate translates into better message retention and an increased likelihood of viewers taking the desired action.

How does storytelling differ in vertical videos compared to horizontal ones?

Storytelling takes on a distinct flavor when it comes to vertical videos compared to horizontal ones. Horizontal videos provide a wider space that accommodates a broader view, making them suitable for comprehensive narratives with intricate details.

Vertical videos, however, compel storytellers to be more concise and selective due to the limited space. This format encourages video content creators to focus on capturing attention quickly and conveying a concise message. This vertical orientation tends to focus the viewer's attention on a narrower field of vision. This can be advantageous for conveying concise and quick paced storytelling.

Is live streaming feasible with vertical videos?

Live streaming with vertical videos has become increasingly popular, especially with the surge in mobile content consumption. Various social media platforms and streaming services now support vertical live streams, recognizing the format's compatibility with handheld devices.

Vertical live streaming caters to a more authentic and spontaneous form of engagement, mimicking the real-time, on-the-go nature of social interactions.

What impact does vertical video have on mobile data consumption?

Vertical videos can have varying impacts on mobile data consumption depending on factors like video length, resolution, and streaming quality. In general, vertical videos are often optimized for mobile viewing, meaning they might be compressed or formatted to reduce data usage without compromising visual quality.

Shorter vertical videos, common on platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, consume less data compared to longer ones. However, if vertical videos are streamed at higher resolutions, they can still contribute to data usage.

Are vertical videos here to stay, or is it a passing trend?

The rise of vertical video content isn't just a passing trend. With mobile usage on the rise and platforms embracing the format, it's clear that vertical videos are here to stay. Brands that adapt to this shift early on can establish a strong online presence and stay ahead of the curve.

Can vertical videos be used effectively for educational purposes?

Absolutely. Vertical videos can be an effective tool for educational content. From quick how-to guides to in-depth tutorials, vertical videos provide a convenient format for delivering knowledge. Utilize clear visuals, concise explanations, and on-screen text to ensure that your educational vertical videos are informative and engaging.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating vertical video?

When crafting vertical videos, steer clear of these common blunders.

First, avoid shooting horizontally and then cropping to fit the vertical format, as this degrades quality.

Additionally, shaky footage can be jarring, so stabilize your shots. Refrain from neglecting the composition; keep subjects centered and engaging.

Lastly, don't forget about proper lighting—dark or unevenly lit videos are less appealing.

If you're new to vertical video creation, consider seeking help from a professional video production company, you can navigate these challenges seamlessly.

Should I include captions in my vertical videos?

Yes, including captions is a great idea. Captions make your video content accessible to everyone, even in noisy or quiet settings. Viewers scrolling through social media often watch without sound, so captions keep them engaged. Use clear fonts and contrast for readability. Short and concise captions work best to complement your visuals without overwhelming the screen.

Can vertical video be used effectively in documentary filmmaking?

Vertical videos can indeed be effective in documentary filmmaking. They're especially useful for portraying intimate moments or personal stories. Vertical format suits mobile viewing habits, making content more relatable. Interviews, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and emotional narratives thrive in this format. Just ensure your storytelling matches the vertical format.

What are the best practices for framing subjects in vertical videos?

(a) Framing is essential in vertical videos. Place your subject at eye level, keeping them in the center or slightly off-center.

(b) Use the rule of thirds to balance your shot. Leave some space above the subject to prevent crowding.

(c) Consider the background – make sure it's not distracting.

(d) And don't forget about headroom – keep some space between the subject's head and the top of the frame.

How can I track the performance of my vertical videos?

To gauge your vertical video's success, leverage key metrics.

(a) Start with view count, measuring initial engagement.

(b) Monitor watch time to ensure viewers stick around. Keep an eye on engagement metrics—likes, comments, and shares—to assess audience involvement.

(c) Click-through rates reveal the video's effectiveness in driving actions.

(d) Don't overlook conversion rates if your video aims to prompt specific actions. Analyzing these metrics aids in refining your content strategy.

How do I choose the right lighting for vertical video shoots?

Achieving impeccable vertical video content demands suitable lighting, making professional help invaluable. Selecting suitable lighting greatly impacts the quality of vertical videos. Natural light is your friend; shoot near windows or outdoors during the golden hours. Avoid harsh overhead light that creates unflattering shadows. Soft, diffused light is preferable; you can achieve this with inexpensive diffusers or sheer curtains.

If artificial lighting is necessary, invest in a ring light or LED panels. Maintain consistent lighting across all videos to establish a cohesive look. White balance adjustments ensure accurate colors. Regularly test and adjust lighting setups to achieve the desired results.

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