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How Food Advertisement Influence Consumer Choices: Leveraging Video Advertising

Michael Arking

February 13, 2024

9 min read

Food advertisements play a vital role in shaping consumer preferences and decisions. It uses enticing visuals and persuasive tactics to influence our perceptions of food products. With the rise of digital media, food storytelling through video has become a powerful tool for showcasing products.

This blog post will delve into its history, evolution, and impact on consumer choices.

What is Food Advertisement?

Food ads are a strategic marketing approach to promote products or brands to consumers. These ads utilize diverse platforms, such as television, print media, and social media.

Food advertisements aim to capture consumers' attention and influence purchasing decisions. It showcases the product's features, benefits, and unique selling propositions. Leveraging effective techniques creates a sense of urgency. By doing so, you are convincing viewers to indulge in your product.

With the rise of video advertising, commercials have evolved into dynamic storytelling experiences. These videos engage viewers through vibrant imagery and compelling narratives. Video content creates a multisensory appeal with audiences on a deeper level.

An example is showing the preparation process or highlighting the experience of consuming the product. Through carefully crafted scripts and captivating visuals, these ads leave a lasting impression on viewers, driving them to take action.

Food ads have embraced the power of product storytelling. It transitioned from traditional print ads to video content. Brands were able to establish emotional connections that go beyond mere product promotion. By telling stories, food ads become more genuine and meaningful. They can remind us of the past, celebrate our culture, or show a lifestyle we dream of. These stories create a sense of familiarity and trust, influencing consumer choices.

Here are the 10 Food Brands Excel on Social Media advertising.

When Did Food Advertising Begin?

Food ads started way back in the 1700s when newspapers were the big thing. It started with simple text-based ads describing yummy foods. But it wasn't until the 1800s that pictures in ads became popular. This was a big change and started the trend of using pictures to sell food.

Then, in the 1900s, radio came along. Advertisers used catchy songs and fun stories to get people excited about food. This switch to using sound helped shape the way food ads are made today, with lots of different media like social media video marketing.

Food Advertisements in the 1920s

In the 1920s, food ads changed a lot because of better media tech. Pictures in magazines and papers got brighter, and headlines got bigger, catching people's eyes. The ads talked about how easy and good the food was, which suited city people's changing lives.

At the same time, radio became a big way to advertise food. Companies could talk to people at home through catchy songs and shows that were paid for by food brands. These ads showed how the 1920s were changing, with food seen as a sign of being rich and modern.

This time, known as the Roaring Twenties, saw a change where ads focused more on what consumers wanted. Advertisers realized that pictures and visuals could affect how people think. This important time prepared the way for the lively video ads we see a lot in the food industry today.

Related Post: 17 Inspiring Examples and Techniques of Creative Food Ads


How Food Advertisements Are Made?

The process of making food commercials involves meticulous steps, from conceptualization to production.

  • Conduct market research initially to understand consumer preferences and identify trends.
  • Develop a creative concept based on the findings, highlighting the unique selling points of the food product.
  • Craft a storyboard or script to outline the visual and narrative elements of the advertisement. This includes selecting the appropriate setting, props, and actors to convey the message effectively.
  • Film the advertisement using professional equipment and techniques to capture high-quality visuals. Partnering with a professional video production company ensures a polished result.
  • In post-production, edit the footage, and add music, sound effects, and special effects to enhance the overall impact. Polish the final advertisement to perfection before releasing it across various media channels.

For more insights on crafting compelling stories, check out our blog on how to create a Product Story and Brand Story Video. These articles explore storytelling and video making, providing helpful techniques for creating engaging content that connects with your audience.

Food Advertisements 2023

In 2023, food ads played a big role in shaping what people like to eat and deciding what to buy. Digital marketing and social media become important tools for brands to reach their target audience.

According to Statistica, the food industry spent a whopping 440 million USD on advertising in the United States in January 2023. This number shows that the industry knows how important advertising is in a competitive market. Advertisers are always changing their strategies to match how people behave.

The data also showed a big increase in spending on digital advertising for food. This change is because more people are shopping online using mobile devices. There are also new ways of advertising. Influencers and video content are becoming popular.

Besides, making ads personal and understanding buyer preferences became very important. This helped ads to be more relevant, and it also made people more interested and likely to buy.

In summary, food ads in 2023 were all about being smart, using technology, and personalizing messages. This shows that the food industry is working hard to keep up with what people want in the digital age.

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Food Advertisements Examples

Let's look at some creative food ads to get food advertisement ideas for making your own. These examples cover different categories of food ads. It also shows how brands can tell stories, make people laugh, and connect with them. These examples showcase the creativity, innovation, and effectiveness of food commercials.

Here are the 17 Inspiring Examples and Techniques of Creative Food Ads.

How Do Food Advertisements Influence Us?

Food ads use different psychological and emotional triggers to leave a lasting impression.

  • Visual stimuli, such as appetizing visuals and vibrant colors. It directly appeals to our senses, triggering cravings and desire.
  • The picture of happy social experiences further connects the product with positive emotions. It creates a subconscious connection between the food ads and feelings of happiness and satisfaction.
  • Advertisements often use brand message techniques. This can be how good something tastes, its quality, or what makes it special.
  • Collaborating with celebrities or influencers adds to how people see the product's attractiveness and social standing. These strategies subtly influence people's perceptions of the product, consequently impacting their buying choices.
  • The power of repetition in food advertising cannot be understated. When people see the same ad many times, it makes a strong impression on them. It helps them remember the product and brand. This can lead to increased brand recognition and loyalty over time.
  • Food storytelling has become a powerful tool in advertising. Stories about the origins, how it's made, or what it means in a culture make the food more interesting. These stories make people feel connected to the brand and the food more deeply. They go beyond just selling a product and make people feel something. This emotional connection further contributes to the lasting impact of food ads on consumer choices.

How Do You Promote Food by Advertising?

Advertising food involves using different methods to effectively reach and engage consumers. Let's explore several ways to promote food products:

1. Food Advertisements on TV

Television commercials are a strong and classic method for promoting food products. This strategy reaches a wide audience of all ages. These ads use captivating visuals and interesting stories to grab viewers' attention. As a result,  it leaves a lasting impression on the brand. Brands leverage prime-time slots and popular TV shows to maximize their reach and impact.

Amazon Prime Video advertising enhances this strategy by leveraging TV and movie ad opportunities. For brands, advertising during popular shows and movies ensures broad exposure. It's a chance to captivate viewers during their leisure time. By strategically placing ads, brands enhance visibility and influence consumer choices.

2. Social Media Advertising

Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok offer a dynamic opportunity for advertising. It allows brands to engage with consumers and share visually appealing content. They use sponsored posts, team up with influencers, and aim ads at specific audiences to display their products. This helps them reach interested customers and boost both awareness and sales.

Social media video marketing has become particularly impactful. TikTok and Instagram Reels enable short videos that capture the attention of consumers. These platforms provide opportunities for brands to showcase their products in action.

The rise of 6-second video ads offers a concise yet impactful way of delivering brand messages and promoting food products. These ads need creativity and precision to convey the brand's essence and capture viewers' attention.

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing empowers food brands to educate, entertain, and promote products. Brands share valuable tips through blogs, articles, and video content positioning themselves as industry authorities. Engaging content fosters rapport and loyalty with consumers.

Brands leverage content marketing to build an online community of food enthusiasts. They share visually appealing recipes and tutorials to inspire and engage. Additionally, brands optimize online visibility through SEO, ensuring high-ranking, relevant content.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is another effective way of advertising on a more personalized level. Brands can leverage email newsletters to share content and offers with their subscribers. Also, targeting subscribers based on preferences and buy history is possible.

This approach keeps brands top-of-mind and drives traffic to their online storefront. Tracking open and click-through rates provides valuable insights into consumer preferences and behaviors. This allows brands to refine strategies accordingly.

5. Influencer Collaborations

Partnering with influencers is a popular food advertising strategy, especially on social media. Influencers, known for their dedicated followers and authentic voices, can influence consumer purchasing decisions. Brands collaborate with influencers to create relatable content showcasing their products.

These collaborations often include sponsored posts, product reviews, or recipe tutorials. An example is sharing genuine experiences with featured food products. Brands leverage influencers' credibility and reach to amplify their message. Such partnerships boost brand awareness and drive sales in the long run.

6. Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor ads like billboards and posters boost food sales by targeting busy areas. Brands use strategic locations for maximum visibility and engagement with consumers. Creative visuals and clear messages grab attention and spark interest in products.

Food brands leverage outdoor advertising to connect with consumers outside. Location-based targeting and creative designs make memorable experiences, attracting foot traffic.

7. Sampling and Events

Sampling and events let brands showcase products directly to consumers. These activities showcase offerings and allow consumers to try products firsthand. Events help brands gather feedback, build awareness, and generate buzz for new launches. Immersive experiences leave lasting impressions, driving interest and brand loyalty.

8. Digital Display Ads

Digital display ads offer a versatile and targeted approach to food advertising. These ads are usually featured on websites, apps, and online platforms. It uses appealing graphics and videos to capture the attention of a specific target audience. Display ads can customized to show up on websites related to food, cooking, or lifestyle. It ensures they reach people genuinely interested in food experiences.

Adding interactive features such as clickable links or embedded videos, enhances user engagement. Brands can track how well these ads perform, making data-driven tweaks to improve effectiveness.  This method ensures advertising efforts target the right audience effectively.

9. Print Advertising

Print advertising has a timeless quality that continues to influence consumer choices. Magazines, newspapers, and brochures serve as canvases for showing food products.

Print ads often focus on the aesthetics of food. This can emphasize the textures, colors, and presentation, evoking the sensory experience for the reader. Additionally, print advertising allows for detailed storytelling. Providing information about ingredients, origins, and unique selling points can shape consumer perceptions.

The tactile quality of print media makes food ads memorable as readers interact with the content. Even though digital ads are viral, print ads are still attractive. They give a physical and special experience that some people like.

For further insights into creating compelling creative food ads, explore our blogs on Tips and Strategies for Creative Food Ads and Food Marketing Problems to Avoid.

How Does McDonald's Advertise Their Food?

McDonald's, a global fast-food giant, uses many ways to tell people about its food.

1. Television Commercials

McDonald's utilizes TV commercials to showcase different food and special deals. These ads often use catchy songs, high-quality images, and close-up shots of their iconic burgers and fries. McDonald's uses a video marketing strategy to show viewers why they should go to their restaurants.

2. Digital Marketing Campaigns

McDonald's uses social media and websites to reach people online. They make sure their ads are interesting to each viewer based on what they like. By analyzing data, McDonald's tailors their ads to what their audience likes. This helps drive traffic to their restaurant and boost sales.

3. Strategic Partnerships

McDonald's also works with popular brands and celebrities to make their ads more exciting. For instance, they team up with Disney to make ads with characters from Disney movies. Additionally, they also get celebrities to say good things about their food. This helps McDonald's extend its brand visibility and connect with new audiences.

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In conclusion, the influence of food advertisements on consumer choices is undeniable. Leveraging video marketing allows food brands to engage and influence audiences effectively. By showing delicious dishes and telling interesting stories, video ads help food brands connect with customers meaningfully. This helps brands connect with customers and affect purchasing decisions.

Ready to Elevate Your Food Brand's Marketing Strategy?

Unlock the full potential of your brand with captivating video content. The Social Motion team specializes in creating engaging content that connects with your audience. Elevate your marketing strategy and drive brand growth with high-quality video production services. Contact us today to take your food advertisements to the next level!


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