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7 Tips on How To Improve Your Instagram Ranking with Instagram Algorithm in 2021

Michael Arking

June 28, 2021

3 min read

According to Sprout Social, Instagram passed the 1 billion global user mark in 2020! This means that you have millions of potential customers hanging around your Instagram account, ready to buy your product. So if you have been wondering how to optimize your account and increase your Instagram Ranking, you have made the right decision by clicking this blog. Let’s get right into it and make sure you are effectively using your account so your potential customers can feel more confident in your product or service.

Here are 7x ways to improve your algorithmic ranking and reach new audiences:

#1: Incorporate Instagram Reels

It is time to jump on the latest trend. Instagram released its new feature called Instagram Reels. By using this, you will gain favor with the Instagram algorithm!

Whether you like or dislike Instagram’s version of TikTok, it is currently here to stay. Reels could help you build audience and awareness through your awesome short videos!

Here is an example of how Social Motion Films uses Instagram Reels.

#2: Use Instagram Story Stickers to Drive Engagement

One of the best ways to be on best terms with the Instagram algorithm is to encourage interactions and conversations! The more engagement an account has, the higher it will be boosted by the Instagram algorithm. The available stickers on the Instagram story are vast; it includes emoji slider, gif, question, and poll stickers. These are all fantastic ways to get your audience interacting with your content, plus an opportunity to get to know them better!

#3: Spark Conversations Through Enticing Comments & Captions

Building onto the power of encouraging conversations, incorporating engaging comments and captions is a fun way to boost your ranking. Whether it's using puns, asking questions, asking people to share their thoughts, or tagging a friend in the comment, they all start a fun conversation thread that others can see and get helpful information.

#4: Selectively Pick Your Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to build more awareness and traffic to your business because it opens opportunities to reach niche communities and like-minded people. For example, let's say you sell gluten-free pizza. You might want to use #glutenfreefoodhacks to reach people who are on a gluten-free diet that might be interested in your product.

#5: Cross-Promote Your Instagram Content

It's simple, let your followers know about your new content! Instagram lets people promote their new post and add it to their own stories. This helps your audience stay up to date with your new content while being on the good side of the Instagram algorithm. All you have to do is post your content, then click the paper airplane button below your picture/video to add your post to your story. The awesome thing about this? You can even promote your new IGTV or Reels post on your story.

#6: Pay Attention to Your DMs

If you noticed that the accounts you DM (Direct Message) the most are usually the top accounts present in your story feed, it's because the Instagram algorithm is working to show you the most relevant content. That being said, make sure to keep some great conversations going in your DMs. QUICK TIP: use the emoji reaction button to respond to someone’s story. This is an easy way to spark a conversation.

#7: Analyze Your Metrics On Instagram Analytics

Consistently keeping track of the performance of your post is a great way to stay on top of the Instagram algorithm. Identifying why so many people liked a particular post allows you to make similar content that your audience prefers to see.


Hopefully, you found this post helpful. Put these 7x tips into practice and sooner or later, your Instagram ranking will climb to the top!

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